

Medicus offers employers a high quality and cost effective behavioral & mental health solution, backed by outcome data. We have a decade of expertise treating all types of substance abuse and mental health disorders.

We offer two intensive treatment tracts: One for substance abuse and a second for mental health. Both tracts are based on a multidisciplinary approach and integrate services of psychiatrists and psychologists, addictionologists, pain management specialists, therapists and case managers. We offer medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opiate abuse and are the first and only telehealth program to offer medical detox as well. Because we know many employees have become addicted to opiates because of chronic pain syndromes, we have pain management specialists that provide alternative non opiate based pain treatment. Our psychiatrists work closely with clients in both tracts to optimize medications for mental health. Clients in both tracts receive intensive group and individual counseling which they attend via live video conferencing at the convenience of their home. Case managers work closely with employer HR and EAP’s to work on job re integration and also can evaluate worksites for stress level reduction to enhance employee mental health. Once treatment has been completed, we continue to engage the employee and perform intensive monitoring for one full year to ensure compliance and stability, thus ensuring long term success. 

Because proactive intervention is the most cost effective treatment option with the highest long term efficacy, we also provide advanced data analytics to evaluate for employees at high risk of substance abuse or mental health disorders; this proactive approach allows us to intervene and treat disorders sooner before small problems become costly and complex. 

Best of all, employees do not need to be absent from work to receive treatment. Our program works around their work schedule and treatment is delivered to them wherever they are, rural or urban, national or international


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Benefits to your company:

Reduce Substance Abuse  & Mental Health Treatment  Costs

-Treatment with Medicus is a fraction of traditional costs associated with office based, outpatient or residential substance abuse or mental health programs

-Higher success rates translate into less need for re treatment and associated costs

-Reduction of ER visits and hospital admissions results in substantial cost savings

At Risk Model

 -Medicus will bear the cost of re treatment for employees who require it within the first year of initial treatment

Proactive Employee Intervention  

-Medicus provides tools to help identify employees in need for mental health or substance abuse treatment. Early intervention has been associated with better long term outcomes

-Employees at risk are provided convenient and easy to access treatment that fits with existing work and family schedules

Increased productivity

-No need for employees to take time off work to travel back and forth to an office or facility. Treatment is provided at the comfort of home 

Increase Treatment Access to National and International Employees

-Weather employees are based in the U.S. or international, they have easy and immediate access to specialty behavioral and mental healthcare.

-Rural employees and those living in remote parts can access to care not available before

Benefits to your employees:


Immediate Access to Treatment

-No waiting period or wait list for treatment services

-No need to travel for treatment. Employees can get medical care anywhere, at the comfort of their home, through any computer, tablet or even smartphone

-Full spectrum of substance abuse and mental health services

High Satisfaction

-94% satisfaction rate with treatment services of Medicus as compared to standard treatment services

Consistent Treatment Results

-No matter where your employees are located, they will receive the same high level quality of care. Whether a client is located in a large metropolitan city or a remote rural town, our program ensures consistent success independent of geography.

Relapse prevention & Long Term Monitoring

-After treatment has been completed, we will continue to monitor and contact your employee for one year to ensure long term stability. We will provide re treatment as needed during this period at no cost to the employer 


Employer FAQS

How can an employer enroll?

Our team, led by our CEO will discuss your options with you personally. We take pride in providing individualized service to our client partners. Our solution can be implemented immediately with great ease at minimal cost. We will work closely with your employee assistance program and HR department.

How do employees and members access Medicus?

Through the convenience of any video enabled device such as a PC, tablet or smart phone at the comfort of their home or work. After completing an intial health questionnaire online or over the phone with our intake coordinators, patients may begin treatment immediately.

How do I measure my ROI?

We will provide reports detailing your ROI and cost savings by having used Medicus. We also report on multiple important metrics such as ER utilization and hospital admissions of employees in our program.

Can international employees access this service?

Yes. We cater to your internationally stationed employees and provide treatment services.

Are dependents covered?

Yes. Any dependent may be eligible to receive service from Medicus.

Are all employees appropriate for this program?

No. Our intake coordinators and physicians review every case to ensure an employee is adequate for our treatment program. If an employee is not suitable for our program we can refer them to a high quality brick and mortar provider that is in network with your health plan.

What about continuity of care and referral?

We work closely with a patient’s primary physician and mental health specialist to share treatment plans as authorized and requested by the patient. Doing so improves outcomes for our patients by allowing long term coordinated care.

What types of mental health disorders can be treated?

We treat all types of mental health disorders including: anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders

What types of substance abuse disorders can be treated?

We treat any type of substance abuse disorder including: opiate abuse, alcoholism, benzodiazepine abuse, stimulant abuse, hallucinogens, hypnotics.

What is your philosophy for opiate abuse treatment?

We are leaders in the field of opiate abuse and have completed clinical trials published in scientific medical journals about this matter. We believe that medication assisted treatment (MAT) provides the best option for long term success for opiate abuse. For employees that do not want MAT, we are the only telehealth program to offer an online medical detox program.